Showing posts with label Dr.Santosh Joshi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr.Santosh Joshi. Show all posts

Friday, December 01, 2017

Does Homeopathy help in treating Autism? By Dr.Santosh Joshi

Homeopathy the science which has given so much to the society yet the one which is commonly persecuted as placebo effect, it isn’t science so on and so forth. But we are not just believers we are a bunch of intellects who have seen the efficacy of the science and art when practised in the correct manner has yielded best results.
I have seen many cases where there was no hope to offer to the suffering, but Homeopathy came to their rescue. Homeopathy is a science based on sound scientific principles and has a complete pharmacopeia describing the effects of the medicines.
We get queries from all over the world for Homeopathic treatment for Autism, we have seen encouraging results with Homeopathic medicines, not only did these Homeopathic medicines were easy to give but also effective. No side effects, what else can one expect but still lot of those suffering kids do not get the benefit of Homeopathic medicines. Thanks to the bad publicity drive by so many from ulterior motives.
We at Dr. Joshi’s center for Autism are a strong advocate of Early intervention for autism, but we also advice to take Homeopathic medicines which enhances the whole treatment protocol. Homeopathic medicines help in improving the comprehension of the child, imagine a child who goes to the therapy but doesn’t sit in one place for even five minutes. When the right homeopathic medicine is given the same child can perform so well in the therapy sessions.
We take into consideration the reports by the Early intervention team and it also undergoes the detailed Homeopathic case taking which is an essential part to select the right homeopathic medicines that suits the individual. As homeopathic medicine is highly individualised we need to find the correct remedy that suits the individual, so it can make the positive impact on the individual and help in dealing with the disorder.
Some parents are worried about the distance how can Dr. Joshi’s center for Autism help patients in other parts of the world, but we have seen the complete treatment cycle from various countries and states and successfully implemented our treatment protocol seamlessly.
Homeopathic medicine can be given for long term without any side effects, and we have seen that the percentage of regression after improvement decreases.

Give your child the Homeopathic care and it can bring encouraging change and benefit the child in the long run. Time is precious don’t waste it.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Case of Urticaria in a pregnant woman cured with Homeopathy

A pleasant young lady came to our consultation with severe skin eruptions which were gradually increasing with the passing hour. The eruptions were very painful and there was severe itching. The complaints were aggravated at night, woolen clothes, covering and fanning. The itching was ameliorated by cold water application and in open air along with these complaints there was no thirst.

The patient told that she has a very sensitive skin and when she is exposed to sun she gets eruptions and sun burns. She comes from a very affluent family and she has no stress or other worries. Her relations with her husband and in laws are very cordial.

She is a very reserved and mild person and takes time to mix with people and make friends. There is marked irritability when someone interferes with her personal life and family affairs.

After careful analysis and evaluation of the case the patient was prescribed Pulsatilla in low potency and the dose was repeated 4 hourly for 2 days .The patient showed marked improvement and the eruptions were better. After the initial episode there was a relapse of the Urticaria attack with burning but the intensity was less this time the patient was prescribed Sulphur in LM potency as an anti miasmatic remedy and this completely cured her.

Its been 3 years now and the patient has not had a single episode of Urticaria also the pregnancy was smooth and she delivered an healthy baby boy without any complication.Homeopathic medicines are safe for pregnant mothers and without any side effects. A right Homeopathic medicine not only cured her Urticaria but also helped her to have a good pregnancy and a health baby.

Please do not self medicate as no two persons will be prescribed the same remedy as homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the basis of individualization.

Start Treatment Now 
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Call us : +91 9819155780

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

International Women’s Day – 8th March 2012 - Special offer in Homeopathy & Diet & Nutrition

Connecting Girls Inspiring Future 

Special offer of 25 % off on Homeopathic consultation & 50% off on Diet & Nutrition Consultation  from 21st Feb 2012 to 8th March 2012.*

Happy Livin & Homeopathy women are Happy to inform you that we are offering Homeopathic consultation at Rs.750/-*,and Diet and Nutrition at 50% off on consultation as a special celebration of International Women’s day.

First 25 registrations will get 5 free Clinical diet tips as per their clinical condition and wellness tips for the healthy.

The women’s day celebration offer is valid from 21st February 2012 to 8th March 2012.

For more queries and information:

Call us on: Homeopathy Queries: +91 9833103323 or +91 9819155780

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If you want us to call you write to:


We Bring Health to you,

Dr.Varsha & Dr.Santosh Joshi
Homeopathy & Nutrition Consultants
11 years in Healing & Care

Friday, December 09, 2011

Low Back pain - Homeopathic treatment

Low back pain can be differentiated into four types :  

a)      Local pain
b)      Referred pain
c)      Radicular pain
d)      Pain arising from secondary muscle spam (A protective mechanism)

There are several symptoms in the diseases of the spine. The person may experience stiffness, limitation in the movement and deformity but pain gets the foremost importance because of discomfort and the disability that is experienced by the suffering person.

Importance must be given to the character, location and the conditions that modify the pain. This will help in correctly identifying the cause of the pain.

Local pain

It is caused due to pathologic process, which presses upon or irritates the sensory nerve endings (Sensory nerve endings the nerve endings which carry the pain sensation). If the involved structure doesn’t have sensory nerve endings then there will be no pain.

For e.g. if the central medullary part of the vertebral body is destroyed by a tumor there will be no evidence of pain due to absence of sensory nerve fibres. In the same case if the affected parts are the muscles, the ligaments or the annulus fibrosis it will cause severe pain due to involvement of the sensory nerve endings.

Often there will be swelling of the tissues involved in case of pain but it cannot be noticed if the deep structures of the back are involved. The character of the pain is described as a steady intermittent but it can also be a sharp and dull pain. The pain varies considerably with the position and the activity of the spine.

One characteristic of the local pain is that it will be felt in the area that is affected. The patient will experience tenderness if the affected part is examined by putting firm pressure. This helps in identifying the site of abnormality.

Referred pain
As the name suggests, “referred” it is the pain that is referred to other part of the body from the site of abnormality. This happens due to the fact that the nerve that is affected also supplies to the other structures of the body. So if the nerve is compressed or impinged the pain will also be felt in the distant parts that are supplied by the same nerve.

Referred pain is of two types one type of pain is that which is projected from the spine into the regions, which are supplied by the nerves that pass from the lumbar or sacral region of the spine (Lumbar and upper sacral dermatomes).

The other type of referred pain is the one, which is referred from the abdominal structures to the spine.

If the upper part of the lumbar spine is affected the pain will be experienced in the anterior aspect of the thighs and the legs. If the lower lumbar and sacral segments are involved then the pain will be referred to the gluteal region (Buttocks) and the posterior aspect of the thighs and the calves.

The character of the referred pain is of deep aching character and is diffuse. At times the pain is felt in the superficial structures of the back. Certain movements, which give relief in the local back pain, will also relieve the referred pain.

Relief of Radicular or root pain is more precise with certain movements of the spine, which release the pressure on the affected nerves. Referred pain can sometimes be confused with the pain in abdomen but the abdominal pain will be deep and the radiation will be from the abdomen to the back.

Also if the pain is due to any pathology in the abdominal organs there wont be much change in the pain on movement as seen in referred pain. Whereas relief will be felt when there is activity of the affected part.

Radicular pain or Root pain

As the name suggests it is caused by irritation, stretching or compression of the spinal root (other words when the nerve roots are affected). The Radicular pain has some of the characteristics of the referred pain but it differs from it by the intensity of the pain and the localized pain that is experienced. Also there will be radiation of pain to the fingers.

The pain is often of a dull aching type but if the nerve roots are compressed or irritated due to certain movements of the spine the pain can be very severe. Most of the time the radiation of pain is from the central position of the spine to the lower extremity. 

Coughing, sneezing and certain movements will evoke severe pain as these things put
strain on the spine. Any motion that stretches the affected nerves like the forward bending with the knees extended or straight leg raising in diseases of the lumbar spine will excite Radicular pain.

The fourth, fifth lumbar and the first sacral roots which form the sciatica nerve when affected causes pain which mainly extends down the posterior aspect of the thigh, the posterior and anterolateral aspect of the leg and into the foot as these parts are supplied by the sciatic nerve this condition is known as Sciatica.

The other complaints that accompany the radicular pain are tingling, Parestheasia, Numbness, Sensory impairment of the skin, Soreness and tenderness of the skin along the course of the nerve is present. There can also be loss of reflexes, weakness, wasting of muscle, fascicular twitching and often swelling of the leg (Stasis edema) may occur if the motor fibers of the anterior root of the spinal cord are involved.

The pain resulting from muscular spasm is most of the times mentioned in relation to the local pain. Muscle spasm maybe associated with various diseases of the spine. Due to the spasm there will be significant change in the posture of the person. The person experiences dull, cramping pain due to chronic tension in the muscles.

The person suffering from chronic disease of the lower back may experience pain, which cannot be determined in some cases. There can be pulling, drawing, cramping sensation without involuntary muscle spasm along with this there can be tearing, burning and throbbing pains. The person experiences coldness or burning which is often difficult to interpret but the possibility of Nerve or root disease should be kept in mind.

In a case of back pain it is very important to obtain a correct history along with the character, Location and radiation of the pain. The factors, which aggravate and ameliorate the pain and its consistency, should also be taken into consideration.

The physician should also take into consideration the past history, which might give vital clues like accidents or injuries that have been incurred. Also a watch should be kept on people who are hysterical and who are pretending to have severe pain for getting compensation.

Role of Homeopathy
The role of homeopathy lies in the fact that it can bring back the lost balance in the human body when it is in a diseased state.

Homeopathic remedies act at the psycho neuro endocrinal axis. In other words it stimulates the human body which in turn will take care of the disease.

The right homeopathic remedy prescribed on the totality of the symptoms will help in relieving the pain and will help in arresting the disease. It will also improve the overall health of the person.

Start the Homeopathic line of treatment by 
Calling us at : + 91 9819155780 or  
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Saturday, December 03, 2011

International day of persons with disabilities – 3rd December 2011

Did you know that according to the new report there are more 1 billion people across the globe face substantial  barriers in their daily lives.The day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the inclusion of persons with disabilities in every aspect of life.
Lets see which countries are user friendly for people who suffer from disabilities .One of the main concern that I always felt was how people with disabilities travel ? With the growing modernization and the population explosion in  countries like India ,China etc .Here modern infrastructure is being built but in India I have seen minimal thought given to the disabled people.

When I travel by the local train to reach the platform from where the train leaves its just impossible for a wheelchair bound person to access this service.Now since few years there is a small compartment which is specially for the disabled and also for the cancer patients.This is a good initiative by the government .
The public transport buses have 4 -5 seats reserved for the disabled but here also there is no facility for a wheel chair bound person.Last week when I was traveling in the BEST bus there was a heart breaking incident a mother was sitting with her son who was suffering from cerebral palsy and was also blind and a person came who was also little disabled he started fighting with that lady that she should vacate the seat .The lady explained that it will be impossible to leave the child sit alone but the other person didn’t understand the complex disease the child was suffering from .

Looking at this whole thing a fellow passenger offered his seat.The point is there has to be awareness campaigns where people understand how to deal with disabilities and also a board has to be put where care takers can seat with the disabled people.

Some of the best practices that I have encountered in India where disabled people are concerned is the outlook of the general people.Indian people are very helpful when they see a disabled person who needs any help like while crossing streets, some organizations are doing tremendous work,also the students from schools and colleges are very friendly and helpful.

Did you know ? 

Special Olympics is a global movement of people creating a new world of inclusion and community, where every single person is accepted and welcomed, regardless of ability or disability. We are helping to make the world a better, healthier and more joyful place -- one athlete, one volunteer, one family member at a time.You can do your bit by donating for the cause

The Paralympics are elite sport events for athletes with a disability. They emphasize, however, the participants' athletic achievements rather than their disability. The movement has grown dramatically since its first days. The number of athletes participating in Summer Paralympic Games has increased from 400 athletes from 23 countries in Rome in 1960 to 3,951 athletes from 146 countries in Beijing in 2008.

The Summer and Winter Deaflympics are among the world's fastest growing sports events. More than 4,000 deaf athletes and officials from 77 nations participated in the 21st Summer Deaflympics in Taipei, Chinese Taipei, in September 2009. Over 600 athletes and officials participated in the 16th Winter Deaflympics in Salt Lake City, United States in February 2007.

Some of the famous people

Albert Einstein
The Mathematician/Physicist who had a learning disability and did not speak until age 3. He had a very difficult time doing maths in school. It was also very hard for him to express himself through writing. 

Alexander Graham Bell
Had a learning disability 

Has dyslexia 

Christopher Reeve
Never has a person with a disability commanded so much media attention in recent history. Christopher Reeve, crippled after a horse-riding injury, wants to be up on his feet & wants to help others stand confident too. His life is now dedicated to harnessing the power of medical research to get up & ride again. 

Thomas Edison
Edison had a learning disability. He couldn't read until he was twelve years old and had a very difficult time writing even when he was older. 

Francsico de Goya
Spanish painter (1746-1828): At age 46, an illness left him deaf. He went on to create the most famous Spanish art of the 19th century. 

Helen Keller
She was Blind, Deaf, and Mute .Devoted her Life to Persons with Disabilities

Ludwig van Beethoven
Known to be deaf one of the famous musicians

Robin Williams
was diagnosed to be suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) as a child. He never refuses a role related to medicine e.g Awakenings, Patch Adams. 

Sarah Bernhardt
French actress (1844-1923) Disabled by a knee injury, her leg amputated in 1914, she continued starring on stage until just before her death. She is regarded as France's greatest actress -- "The Divine Sarah". 

Stephen Hawkings
Physicist/mathematician has Lou Gehrigs Disease and is in a wheelchair. He needs a computer to speak. 

Sudha Chandran
Indian actress and classical dancer. This brave lady dances with a Jaipur foot. She has acted in a movie on classical dance called "Nache Mayuri" & today acts in a variety of TV serials. 

Walt Disney
Had a learning disability

These are few of the points that I have put in this article.There is lot that needs to be done and if each of us does our bit we will definitely achieve the desired outcome…

Article written by,
We bring health to you….
Dr.Santosh Joshi
Classical Homeopath
Call us on : +91 9819155780