Showing posts with label Online homeopathic treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online homeopathic treatment. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sensory issues in Autism treated with Homeopathy - Dr.Joshi's Center for Autism

A 3 years 2 months old child suffering from severe sensory issues due to autism was bought to our consultation room for homeopathic treatment. The child was putting everything in mouth and licks whatever e gets in his hand. The child also handles his private parts and if there is any noise he will cover his ears and he becomes uneasy.
The child also eats only specific food and dislikes any change in texture of the food; he also doesn't chew the food and mostly swallows the food.
The child is very restless and doesn't sit in one place he constantly runs from one place to another and the focus is also very less. When the child is taken for therapy the major issue is that the child doesn't concentrate or sit in one place. The child keeps smiling for no reason there is lot of anger present when he doesn't get what he wants. When angry the child will bite and pull hair and doesn't get pacified easily.
The child doesn't play with children of his age and there is no speech till now. The child loves to play in water and can spend hours together playing in water. There is lot of babbling but it's all meaningless. There is lot of separation anxiety and the child doesn't leave his mother. Otherwise the child is fearless and doesn't get scared of anything.
Developmental Milestones
Age of walking: 2 years Eruption of first teeth: 6 months the child used to have dentitional diarrhea which was treated with Homeopathy. Speech: Not yet developed.
The mother had no tensions during pregnancy except bleeding during the 3rd month of pregnancy but it was treated and she was alright.The pregnancy was planned and there is no history of any major illness in the parents.
Personal history:
  • Diet: Vegetarian
  • Appetite: Good
  • Cravings: Ice, Ice cream, tooth paste
  • Aversion ::textures, if the milk is changed then he will have diarrhea
  • Thirst: For large quantities of water.
  • Sleep and Dreams: sleeps in knee chest position, grinding of teeth in sleep earlier. Sleep is very less and is very restless and takes lot of time to fall asleep.
  • Urine: Normal
  • Stools: Normal. If he doesn't pass stools for 1 day he will become very restless.
  • Thermals:the child cannot bear heat and feel very hot .Even in cold weather he doesn't feel that cold.
Family history: No major illness
Remedy Selection and Follow ups
The remedy was selected after analysis and evaluation of the case history. The homeopathic remedy was prescribed in the 30c potency. The name of the remedy is not disclosed to prevent self medication. The patient was give 1 dose at bedtime for 14 days and the parents were asked to report. As the patient was from out station the next follow up was scheduled via video conferencing.
The parent reported that the putting of things in mouth is less. The child feels very hot and wants to be in cool place. The sleep is improved and he doesn't take much time to sleep. Hyperactivity is the same. When he goes out he doesn't like to walk. The licking of objects is also decreased. The same medicine was continued and the follow up was scheduled after a month. The parents were asked to report regularly on phone.
Biting in anger, doesn't cry now, sleep is better, but the anger has increased. Sensory issues are getting better. Babbling has increased. Eating is better now, chews food. Note should be made that in some cases we see rapid improvement but the results vary from case to case depending on the person's susceptibility and the intensity of the disorder. The same medicine was continued the potency was raised to 200c.
Crying since today morning as his uncle scolded him. This was a good improvement and the parents were happy as he could comprehend that someone is angry. Also the babbling has increased and he attempts to talk and puts pressure. Pulling of hair, biting, and anger have reduced markedly. The sensitiveness to sound where he used to cover his eyes is not marked now. The touching of private parts has decreased. His concentration during therapy is better and can focus better than before.
Conclusion of the case:
From the above explanation of the autism case it is evident that when the right homeopathic medicine is given in the right potency we see positive improvement in the individual. It is very important to understand the case and the peculiar expressions so it is easy to find the right remedy by individualization. In this case we were able to successfully resolve the sensory issues that the child was facing and treatment was continued. All the follow ups are not included here. The aim of this presentation is to bring to light the right homeopathic medicines along with proper follow ups can help the individual without any side effects.
Website :

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Is Cure for Autism Possible? by Dr.Santosh Joshi

The most common question that we come across is that doctor can you cure autism with Homeopathy? And there are lot of hopes and emotions associated with this question. We answer the question by being honest in our conversation by explaining the scope of Homeopathic medicines and Dietary intervention. We also educate the parent that a disease can be cured but autism is a disorder and it has to be handled; efforts should be focused on making the child independent and reducing or removing the obstacles that are faced in successfully treating the child with Homeopathy, Dietary intervention and Therapies. We have seen in our practice of more than a decade that the children respond very well to Homeopathic treatment and in certain cases there has been reversal of the symptoms of autism but this again depends from case to case. We do not claim of curing autism our aim is to give the best possible results and see how the maximum improvement can be achieved along with therapies.
Benefits that can be achieved through Homeopathy and Dietary intervention:
  • Reducing the hyperactivity
  • Improving eye contact
  • Increasing attention span
  • Improving cognitive skills
  • Managing the sensory issues
What we do:
Step 1:
Understanding the parent's situation and explaining them the possibilities with Homeopathic medicines and Dietary interventions. We guide them to accept the fact and do the best possible for their child.
Step 2:
As Homeopathic treatment is an Individualized form of treatment we need to understand the complete case history of the individual which forms the basis of the treatment hence giving a detailed case history is very important to get the desired results with Homeopathic treatment.
Step 3:
Understanding the complete dietary routine and dietary issues the patient has.
Step 4:
Analyzing the case history and deciding the line of Homeopathic treatment.
Step 5:
Analyzing the dietary information given and customizing an individualized Diet chart.
Step 6:
Prescribing the Homeopathic medicine and the diet chart to the in-clinic patients and shipping the same across the globe to our online patients.
For our patients across the globe we provide our services via video conferencing, telephonic conversation and through e-mail.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Low Back pain - Homeopathic treatment

Low back pain can be differentiated into four types :  

a)      Local pain
b)      Referred pain
c)      Radicular pain
d)      Pain arising from secondary muscle spam (A protective mechanism)

There are several symptoms in the diseases of the spine. The person may experience stiffness, limitation in the movement and deformity but pain gets the foremost importance because of discomfort and the disability that is experienced by the suffering person.

Importance must be given to the character, location and the conditions that modify the pain. This will help in correctly identifying the cause of the pain.

Local pain

It is caused due to pathologic process, which presses upon or irritates the sensory nerve endings (Sensory nerve endings the nerve endings which carry the pain sensation). If the involved structure doesn’t have sensory nerve endings then there will be no pain.

For e.g. if the central medullary part of the vertebral body is destroyed by a tumor there will be no evidence of pain due to absence of sensory nerve fibres. In the same case if the affected parts are the muscles, the ligaments or the annulus fibrosis it will cause severe pain due to involvement of the sensory nerve endings.

Often there will be swelling of the tissues involved in case of pain but it cannot be noticed if the deep structures of the back are involved. The character of the pain is described as a steady intermittent but it can also be a sharp and dull pain. The pain varies considerably with the position and the activity of the spine.

One characteristic of the local pain is that it will be felt in the area that is affected. The patient will experience tenderness if the affected part is examined by putting firm pressure. This helps in identifying the site of abnormality.

Referred pain
As the name suggests, “referred” it is the pain that is referred to other part of the body from the site of abnormality. This happens due to the fact that the nerve that is affected also supplies to the other structures of the body. So if the nerve is compressed or impinged the pain will also be felt in the distant parts that are supplied by the same nerve.

Referred pain is of two types one type of pain is that which is projected from the spine into the regions, which are supplied by the nerves that pass from the lumbar or sacral region of the spine (Lumbar and upper sacral dermatomes).

The other type of referred pain is the one, which is referred from the abdominal structures to the spine.

If the upper part of the lumbar spine is affected the pain will be experienced in the anterior aspect of the thighs and the legs. If the lower lumbar and sacral segments are involved then the pain will be referred to the gluteal region (Buttocks) and the posterior aspect of the thighs and the calves.

The character of the referred pain is of deep aching character and is diffuse. At times the pain is felt in the superficial structures of the back. Certain movements, which give relief in the local back pain, will also relieve the referred pain.

Relief of Radicular or root pain is more precise with certain movements of the spine, which release the pressure on the affected nerves. Referred pain can sometimes be confused with the pain in abdomen but the abdominal pain will be deep and the radiation will be from the abdomen to the back.

Also if the pain is due to any pathology in the abdominal organs there wont be much change in the pain on movement as seen in referred pain. Whereas relief will be felt when there is activity of the affected part.

Radicular pain or Root pain

As the name suggests it is caused by irritation, stretching or compression of the spinal root (other words when the nerve roots are affected). The Radicular pain has some of the characteristics of the referred pain but it differs from it by the intensity of the pain and the localized pain that is experienced. Also there will be radiation of pain to the fingers.

The pain is often of a dull aching type but if the nerve roots are compressed or irritated due to certain movements of the spine the pain can be very severe. Most of the time the radiation of pain is from the central position of the spine to the lower extremity. 

Coughing, sneezing and certain movements will evoke severe pain as these things put
strain on the spine. Any motion that stretches the affected nerves like the forward bending with the knees extended or straight leg raising in diseases of the lumbar spine will excite Radicular pain.

The fourth, fifth lumbar and the first sacral roots which form the sciatica nerve when affected causes pain which mainly extends down the posterior aspect of the thigh, the posterior and anterolateral aspect of the leg and into the foot as these parts are supplied by the sciatic nerve this condition is known as Sciatica.

The other complaints that accompany the radicular pain are tingling, Parestheasia, Numbness, Sensory impairment of the skin, Soreness and tenderness of the skin along the course of the nerve is present. There can also be loss of reflexes, weakness, wasting of muscle, fascicular twitching and often swelling of the leg (Stasis edema) may occur if the motor fibers of the anterior root of the spinal cord are involved.

The pain resulting from muscular spasm is most of the times mentioned in relation to the local pain. Muscle spasm maybe associated with various diseases of the spine. Due to the spasm there will be significant change in the posture of the person. The person experiences dull, cramping pain due to chronic tension in the muscles.

The person suffering from chronic disease of the lower back may experience pain, which cannot be determined in some cases. There can be pulling, drawing, cramping sensation without involuntary muscle spasm along with this there can be tearing, burning and throbbing pains. The person experiences coldness or burning which is often difficult to interpret but the possibility of Nerve or root disease should be kept in mind.

In a case of back pain it is very important to obtain a correct history along with the character, Location and radiation of the pain. The factors, which aggravate and ameliorate the pain and its consistency, should also be taken into consideration.

The physician should also take into consideration the past history, which might give vital clues like accidents or injuries that have been incurred. Also a watch should be kept on people who are hysterical and who are pretending to have severe pain for getting compensation.

Role of Homeopathy
The role of homeopathy lies in the fact that it can bring back the lost balance in the human body when it is in a diseased state.

Homeopathic remedies act at the psycho neuro endocrinal axis. In other words it stimulates the human body which in turn will take care of the disease.

The right homeopathic remedy prescribed on the totality of the symptoms will help in relieving the pain and will help in arresting the disease. It will also improve the overall health of the person.

Start the Homeopathic line of treatment by 
Calling us at : + 91 9819155780 or  
Write to us on :
Website :

Saturday, December 03, 2011

International day of persons with disabilities – 3rd December 2011

Did you know that according to the new report there are more 1 billion people across the globe face substantial  barriers in their daily lives.The day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the inclusion of persons with disabilities in every aspect of life.
Lets see which countries are user friendly for people who suffer from disabilities .One of the main concern that I always felt was how people with disabilities travel ? With the growing modernization and the population explosion in  countries like India ,China etc .Here modern infrastructure is being built but in India I have seen minimal thought given to the disabled people.

When I travel by the local train to reach the platform from where the train leaves its just impossible for a wheelchair bound person to access this service.Now since few years there is a small compartment which is specially for the disabled and also for the cancer patients.This is a good initiative by the government .
The public transport buses have 4 -5 seats reserved for the disabled but here also there is no facility for a wheel chair bound person.Last week when I was traveling in the BEST bus there was a heart breaking incident a mother was sitting with her son who was suffering from cerebral palsy and was also blind and a person came who was also little disabled he started fighting with that lady that she should vacate the seat .The lady explained that it will be impossible to leave the child sit alone but the other person didn’t understand the complex disease the child was suffering from .

Looking at this whole thing a fellow passenger offered his seat.The point is there has to be awareness campaigns where people understand how to deal with disabilities and also a board has to be put where care takers can seat with the disabled people.

Some of the best practices that I have encountered in India where disabled people are concerned is the outlook of the general people.Indian people are very helpful when they see a disabled person who needs any help like while crossing streets, some organizations are doing tremendous work,also the students from schools and colleges are very friendly and helpful.

Did you know ? 

Special Olympics is a global movement of people creating a new world of inclusion and community, where every single person is accepted and welcomed, regardless of ability or disability. We are helping to make the world a better, healthier and more joyful place -- one athlete, one volunteer, one family member at a time.You can do your bit by donating for the cause

The Paralympics are elite sport events for athletes with a disability. They emphasize, however, the participants' athletic achievements rather than their disability. The movement has grown dramatically since its first days. The number of athletes participating in Summer Paralympic Games has increased from 400 athletes from 23 countries in Rome in 1960 to 3,951 athletes from 146 countries in Beijing in 2008.

The Summer and Winter Deaflympics are among the world's fastest growing sports events. More than 4,000 deaf athletes and officials from 77 nations participated in the 21st Summer Deaflympics in Taipei, Chinese Taipei, in September 2009. Over 600 athletes and officials participated in the 16th Winter Deaflympics in Salt Lake City, United States in February 2007.

Some of the famous people

Albert Einstein
The Mathematician/Physicist who had a learning disability and did not speak until age 3. He had a very difficult time doing maths in school. It was also very hard for him to express himself through writing. 

Alexander Graham Bell
Had a learning disability 

Has dyslexia 

Christopher Reeve
Never has a person with a disability commanded so much media attention in recent history. Christopher Reeve, crippled after a horse-riding injury, wants to be up on his feet & wants to help others stand confident too. His life is now dedicated to harnessing the power of medical research to get up & ride again. 

Thomas Edison
Edison had a learning disability. He couldn't read until he was twelve years old and had a very difficult time writing even when he was older. 

Francsico de Goya
Spanish painter (1746-1828): At age 46, an illness left him deaf. He went on to create the most famous Spanish art of the 19th century. 

Helen Keller
She was Blind, Deaf, and Mute .Devoted her Life to Persons with Disabilities

Ludwig van Beethoven
Known to be deaf one of the famous musicians

Robin Williams
was diagnosed to be suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) as a child. He never refuses a role related to medicine e.g Awakenings, Patch Adams. 

Sarah Bernhardt
French actress (1844-1923) Disabled by a knee injury, her leg amputated in 1914, she continued starring on stage until just before her death. She is regarded as France's greatest actress -- "The Divine Sarah". 

Stephen Hawkings
Physicist/mathematician has Lou Gehrigs Disease and is in a wheelchair. He needs a computer to speak. 

Sudha Chandran
Indian actress and classical dancer. This brave lady dances with a Jaipur foot. She has acted in a movie on classical dance called "Nache Mayuri" & today acts in a variety of TV serials. 

Walt Disney
Had a learning disability

These are few of the points that I have put in this article.There is lot that needs to be done and if each of us does our bit we will definitely achieve the desired outcome…

Article written by,
We bring health to you….
Dr.Santosh Joshi
Classical Homeopath
Call us on : +91 9819155780

Monday, March 01, 2010


Introduction: Insomnia, this word signifies want of sleep and is used popularly to indicate any impairment in its duration, depth or restorative properties. Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty in falling asleep.

Normally 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary for human beings. Insomnia can affect not only your energy level and mood, but also it will affect your health.

Types of Insomnia
Primary Insomnia: The term primary insomnia should be reserved for those persons who throughout their lives have never enjoyed restful slumber and in whom none of the usual symptoms of nervousness, depression, or other psychiatric or medical diseases can be elicited.
• Insomnia secondary to another disease condition: Severe insomnia is a frequent complaint of patients suffering from psychiatric illnesses or neurological disorders, brain lesions or history of traumatic brain injury.


• Certain drugs, medications, caffeine may cause insomnia.

• Fear, anxiety, domestic and business worries which keeps the patient's mind in turmoil can cause insomnia.

• Shift duties and jetlag may cause insomnia. Jet lag is seen in people who travel through multiple time zones, as the time relative to the rising and setting of the sun no longer coincides with the body's internal concept of it. The insomnia experienced by shift workers is also a circadian rhythm sleep disorder.

• Hormonal imbalance during menopause or before menstruation in young girls may cause insomnia.

• Psychiatric illness such as depression, nervousness and brain lesions, neurological disorders may cause insomnia.

• Certain diseases such as hyperthyroidism may cause insomnia.

• Rebound insomnia may be due to excessive use of prescription of sleep aids.

• Insomnia can be common after the loss of a loved one, even years or decades after the death, if the person has not gone through the grieving process due to shock after hearing the news.

Signs and Symptoms

• Difficulty falling asleep at night.
• Waking up during the night.
• Disturbing dreams are frequent and may awaken the patient; exceptionally the patient may even stay awake to avoid them.
• Waking up too early.
• Irritability.
• Falling asleep at odd hours.
• Daytime fatigue and sleepiness.


A detail medical history to exclude disease conditions causing insomnia is required.

• Blood tests to rule out hypothyroidism and other disease conditions.
• History regarding the patient's sleep pattern, whether the patient sleeps in the afternoon for long hours, whether he is on any medications or he has other health disorders, whether he snores and since how long he is suffering from difficulty in falling sleep is considered.


Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are not habit forming and they are free from dangerous side effects.
A detail history is considered; also whether the patient has any other underlying disorder is considered and then treated with Homeopathy.
After the administration of correct homeopathic remedy, the patient will enjoy sound sleep without frightening dreams. Homeopathic medicines act on mental level. It is the disturbed mind which has to calm down. Sometimes the patient gets frightful dreams. There are different remedies in Homeopathy which cover them as each person is different.

Some people get dreams of fire, some people dream about water, snakes, some dream about day to day worries. The nature of dreams is helpful in selecting the right medicine.Some people do not sleep in the first half and sleep early in the morning.

One patient would actually get up at night and write down his dreams in a diary; he was very intelligent and would remain occupied throughout the day and also very suspicious. Due to the disturbing dreams he was unable to sleep. He was put on homeopathy, he enjoyed sound sleep and he was restored to health.

Another patient was so miserable that he was about to commit suicide as he just could not sleep due tensions, worries. After administration of constitutional homeopathic medicine the patient was better, he could sleep peacefully and all his negative thoughts disappeared.

Keep in mind some important tips if you are suffering from insomnia

• Listen to some good music before going to bed. Chant the name of God and you will never know when you fall asleep.

• Avoid sleeping for long hours in the afternoon. Keep yourself busy; especially old people should do some light activity during day time to ensure good sleep at night.

• Avoid watching television for long hours at night.

• Youngsters should perform vigorous exercise and stay active which will give you good sleep at night.

• Avoid taking tea, coffee after lunch and limit caffeine. Alcohol which may initially make you feel sleepy can cause unrestful sleep and frequent awakenings.

Email me on : for more details and consultation

Monday, May 21, 2007

Frozen Shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) case – treated with Homeopathy

The patient came with the complaints of severe pain in the right shoulder .The complaints had started 3-4 months after being diagnosed with frozen shoulder the patient was put on painkillers and was also taking physiotherapy. Even after taking the medicines and the physiotherapy there was no change in the pain and it was worsening day by day.

The case came to me after they read about the other cases I had treated but there was lot of doubt in the patients mind .The husband had asked many questions about Homeopathy and how it works and will I be able to provide any relief? As we know a correct case history is very important if we have to solve the case I told the same thing to the patient if they co-operate we can provide a solution.

The patient said the pain is unbearable it is pulling and throbbing in character. The pain radiates from the shoulder to the forearm.
The following things aggravate the pain
Tight blouse
Continued motion
Lying on painful side
Cold weather

The patient feels better by bending backwards and supporting the hand.

The patient also suffers from osteoarthritis of the knees. There is severe pain in both the knees .The right knee was first affected and then the left knee was also involved.
The following things aggravate the pain in the kneesAscending stairs

The pain is better by
Continued motion
The patient also told that the swelling on the legs is also there for a longtime. Along with this the patient also wanted us to treat her severe hair fall, Swelling on the face.

The patient is staying in Mumbai city India and is a house maker .She says since recent her illness is a causing lot of anxiety .She is unable to sleep due to the pain. She feels how she is going to manage the housework and to add to this their maid has stopped coming for work.
The patient is very anxious by nature small things can also cause lot of anxiety for e.g. if the husband, or children do not come back home on time she will be very worried. She wont sleeps till everyone has returned back even if it is late at night she will wait. There are lots of negative thoughts that come to her mind like they must have met with an accident or something must have gone wrong. There is lot of anticipatory anxiety.

The patient also worries about his son who is 25 years plus and she feels he is too straight forward and how he will deal with the world.

As a child she was very obstinate she wanted things her way otherwise she would be very angry. She is very attached to her family her brothers and sisters. She was very scared of her father but was very much attached to him emotionally. It came as a big shock to her when he passed away she cannot forget this event and this depresses her sometimes. When asked what thoughts come she said she is afraid of the diseases.

The relationship with her husband is very good. There are no problems on this front. The patient also has the habit of preserving things even old things, which are of no use she will preserve for years together. Also she cannot spend her money easily.

During the case taking the patient was so anxious that she asked me many times will she get alright? The intensity of the anxiety was very strong. On observation there was swelling under the eyes, pigmentation on the face was present.

At the end of this she said I forgot to tell one thing that she is very scared of snakes and also gets dreams of snakes. So from the above history her remedy was very clear.

Personal history

Diet: Vegetarian
Appetite: good
Cravings: Pickles, Spicy food
Aversion: Sweets
Thirst: drinks only during her meals
Urine: N
Stools: N
Menses: Menopause. Uneasiness hot flushes do occur now also
Thermally feels cold on the whole
Perspiration: profuse after menopause

Investigation reports
USG abdomen: Normal
X-ray of the shoulder joint showed reduction of space in the right shoulder joint
S.creatinine: 0.8mg/dl
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): 15
S.triglycerides: 202 mg/dl
S.Cholestrol: 184 mg/dl
Blood sugar levels were normal

On examinationBlood pressure: 140/90 mm of Hg
Teeth carries few of them have been removed
Hair loss severe
Bilateral pedal edema (swelling on the legs)
Cracking of the knee joints
Pigmentation on the face
Swelling below the eyes

Medicines given
1) 30c
3 doses

Pain better by 15-20 %
Sleep has improved
Continue the same treatment
14 days

Pain has reduced further
Restricted movement has improved little. Can sleep well.
Continue the same treatment
14 days

Pain better by 80%
Can make movement of the hand without any difficulty
Pain in the knees has reduced.
Swelling has reduced
Anxiety is better
Feeling better overall.
Patient was put on Placebo
For 1 month

Patient was put under observation after 1 month, as there were no complaints as such. Patient reported with overall improvement in the month of February 2007.Also there is a marked improvement in the anxiety levels and she is able to relax and find the solution to a problem. The right Homeopathic medicines will help the person recover to healthy and harmonious state of health.

The above case was treated by Dr.Santosh Joshi who practices Classical Homeopathy in Mumbai city India.
The above case is for information purpose only please do not self medicate.

Email me on : for more details and consultation Call us on + 91 9819155780

Friday, May 04, 2007

Lichen planus – treated with Classical Homeopathy

The patient came with the complaints of eruptions on the legs ,waist and on the soles.The complaints had started two and a half years back.The eruptions first appeared on the right leg and then have spread to the waist and the soles.The eruptions are very painful and there is lot of scaling of the skin.

The complaints are aggravated by the following conditions
In a closed place

Following conditions give partial releif to him
Cold water application
Uncovering the part

Along with the itching there is severe burning sensation in the affected area.

The patient also is suffering from Tinea versicolor along with Lichen planus.

There were no other complaints besides this.

The emotional nature of the patient is as follows.

The patient is very anxious by nature .If his family members do not come on time he becomes very anxious.He will have lot of negative thoughts like ; have they suffered from accident ? or something must have gone wrong.He will immediately call the person concerned and confirm if they are safe.If this is not possible then till the time they do not come back he will be very anxious.

Also he has lot of anticipatory anxiety .He thinks what will happen to his family if he dies suddenly ? He is very attached and pocessive about his family members.

At the professional level he is from an engineering background.He was working with a company for 18 years and held a good position.But suddenly the company closed down due to heavy losses.This created a huge setback and also caused lot of insecurity.Due to the shutdown there was financial crisis in his family life.This went on for a few months.

Then the company made arrangements for temporary jobs in a government office but here they were kept on a temporary job.Due to this his salary was reduced from what he used to earn and also the constant fear that what if he is removed from the job.How will he suppourt his family this causes a lot of anxiety and also increses his complaints.

This is going on in his life for the last 5 years.Out of frustration he becomes angry sometimes and blasts out in front of his collegues.He is also very sensitive by nature.

As a child he was staying in a small village .He was very shy as a child but he used to be very angry by nature.He used to get into physical fights,used to break things.He never shared his things with anybody.He was very pocessive about his things.

He used to be afraid of his father as he was very strict besides this there were no fears as such.Also he is very fastidious he wants all the things in order otherwise will get angry.

Relations with his parents ,wife and children are very good.

Personal history
Diet : Non-vegetarian
Craving : Fish,Sweets, salt, Eggs
Aversion: excess of oil in the food

Sun : causes burning of the skin,uneasiness and headache
Fanning : likes
Air conditioner : O.k
Covering : takes covers
Bath : Lukewarm water
Season : likes all seasons

Urine : normal
Stools : normal

Thirst : large quantities of water
Perspiration : Not much Palms and soles

Sleep and dreams disturbed.Dreams of going to a function.

Past histiry
Uric acid levels were elevated

Family history
Father (76 years) No major illness
Mother : ( 69 years ) Hypertensive

On examination
Eruption on the lower limbs ,waist,gluteal region with scaling.Fungal infection in the armpits.Eruptions are of Lichen planus
Swelling below the eyes was marked
Blood pressure was within the normal range
Throat was congested
Teeth caries and few of them have been removed.



1) 30c 3 doses for 3 nights
2) Sac.lac
3) Sac.lac
2pills 4 hourly for itching
14 days
The patient called up to give a feedback.
Marginal improvement in the eruptions.
Anxiety had reduceddd.
Itching and burning was less by 25 %
Sleep was better.
Same doses were continued as above for another 14 days.
Patient came with improvement in the eruption.Also the itching and burning was reduced to a marked level.
Patient was feeling better emotionally and sleeping well.
He wanted medicines for a longer period.
Patient was put on placebo for 1 month and was asked to report after the medicines got exhausted or if there was an acute problem.

However the patient never reported back after the last prescription.we came to know after a few months from the person who had referred him to us that he was much better and due to some reasons he has not reported back.Anyways we were happy to know he had recovered from his illness.

Treated by
Dr.Santosh Joshi
Classical Homeopathic
Website : 
Email me on : for more details and consultation
Call us on : +91 9819155780
The above case is for reference only please dont self medicate.