A pleasant young lady came to our
consultation with severe skin eruptions which were gradually increasing with
the passing hour. The eruptions were very painful and there was severe itching.
The complaints were aggravated at night, woolen clothes, covering and fanning.
The itching was ameliorated by cold water application and in open air along
with these complaints there was no thirst.
The patient told that she has a
very sensitive skin and when she is exposed to sun she gets eruptions and sun burns.
She comes from a very affluent family and she has no stress or other worries.
Her relations with her husband and in laws are very cordial.
She is a very reserved and mild
person and takes time to mix with people and make friends. There is marked
irritability when someone interferes with her personal life and family affairs.
After careful analysis and
evaluation of the case the patient was prescribed Pulsatilla in low potency and
the dose was repeated 4 hourly for 2 days .The patient showed marked
improvement and the eruptions were better. After the initial episode there was
a relapse of the Urticaria attack with burning but the intensity was less this
time the patient was prescribed Sulphur
in LM potency as an anti miasmatic remedy and this completely cured her.
Its been 3 years now and the
patient has not had a single episode of Urticaria also the pregnancy was smooth
and she delivered an healthy baby boy without any complication.Homeopathic
medicines are safe for pregnant mothers and without any side effects. A right
Homeopathic medicine not only cured her Urticaria but also helped her to have a
good pregnancy and a health baby.
Please do not self medicate as no
two persons will be prescribed the same remedy as homeopathic remedies are
prescribed on the basis of individualization.
Start Treatment Now
Email us : happylivin3@gmail.com
Call us : +91 9819155780