Showing posts with label happy livin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy livin. Show all posts

Friday, April 06, 2012

Swine Flu (H1N1) & Homeoprophylaxis - Prevent Swine flu with Homeopathy

How do I know if I have flu?

If you are having some or all of the following symptoms you may have flu :
  •    Fever
  •  Chills
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Body ache
  • Headache
  • Sometimes diarrhea or vomiting
  •  Not everyone with flu may have fever *
If you become sick with flu like symptoms then you should stay at home and avoid contact with other people except to seek medical care. Most people with H1N1 may have had mild illness and may not need medical care however it is recommended not to neglect the early signs and symptoms and a visit to your healthcare provider is recommended.
Some people who are more likely to develop complications are:
·         Children younger then in the age group of 2 to 5 years.
·         People who are 65 years and above.
·         Pregnant women
·         Individuals suffering from
·         Cancer
·         Blood disorders
·         Asthma
·         Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders (COPD)
·         Diabetes
·         Heart diseases
·         Neurological disorders
·         People with weak immune system (including people with AIDS)

The above group doesn’t mean that healthy individuals will not suffer from complications of H1N1 it is best to visit your healthcare provider if you develop the signs and symptoms of Swine flu.

Some of the Emergency signs and symptoms
In Children
·         Difficulty in breathing and fast breathing
·         Skin becomes bluish in color
·         Irritability
·         Fever with rash
·         Not waking up or reacting to external stimuli
·         Flu like symptoms improves but return with more intensity and cough

In adults
·         Flu like symptoms improves but return with more intensity and cough
·         Difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath
·         Becomes suddenly dizzy
·         Confusion
·         Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen

Are there medicines to treat H1N1?
There are medicines that your doctor may prescribe for treating you, the medicines are known as antivirals.These medicines will be given to you by your healthcare provider. Hospitalization and quarantine may be needed this will be decided by you healthcare provider.

What is Homeoprophylaxis?
As we all know Prevention is better then cure so with the Homeoprophylaxis we help the body to increase its immunity and resist the viral infection. It has been observed that the genus epidemicus (Genus epidemicus = Homeopathic remedy which is selected on the signs and symptoms of the prevalent disease and characteristic symptoms) helps in prevention* of the disease infection.*But in some cases even if you take the Homeoprophylaxis you may develop the disease.

What should I do if I’m sick?
Keep minimum exposure to other people if you have to go out to your healthcare provider then you can wear a mask, cover your face with tissue when your coughing and snnezing.Wash your hands often to prevent spread of flu to others.

*Please note Homeoprophylaxis doesn’t guarantee that you will not suffer from H1N! Swine flu .You have to approach your healthcare provider and seek help if you develop flu like symptoms do not neglect.

Call us on : +91 9819155780
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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hypertension and its Dietary Mangement by our Nutrition expert - Dr.Varsha Joshi

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension is high blood pressure, medically defined as - Blood pressure which remains consistently high and not just once / twice is termed hypertension.

 Blood pressure is measured in two parameters. One is systolic (upper) and second is diastolic (lower), 120/80 mm of mercury, is the normal reading.


  • In most cases the cause for high blood pressure is not known.
  • Stress.
  • Obesity
  • Family heredity.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Kidney Diseases

What we eat directly affects our blood pressure. Hence it is very important to follow a strict dietary and an exercise regime. Here are some dietary tips to manage hypertension:

  • Cut down on salt (common table salt) intake; do not exceed more then 2 to 2.5 gm a day.
  • In cases of severe hypertension avoid other sources of salts like- baking powder and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), monosodium glutamate and sodium benzoate. These are commonly known as Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, onion salt, garlic salt and buillon salt. Also avoid salt-preserved foods like pickles, sauces, ketchups, canned and processed foods.
  • Consume food rich in magnesium  and calcium like – milk and milk products, wheat, brown rice, millets, green leafy vegetables, Sea plants, peas, lotus stem, pulses, legumes, crab, oyster, shellfish, nuts like - walnut, almond(are most concentrated source of magnesium but should be consumed in a very limited quantity as they are high in fats).
  • Eat one banana a day will help control hypertension as it is high in fiber, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • Reduce intake of diet rich in saturated fats e.g. oily, fired food, desserts, red meat, eggs yolk, cheese, butter etc.
  • Avoid foods rich in cholesterol: groundnut oil, ghee, butter, whole milk, eggs, lard (fats derived from pig meat), tallow (fats derived from goat or sheep mutton), oily fish, meats and red meat - all non-vegetarian food contain cholesterol in varied amount.
  • Increase intake of foods that contain PUFA's (poly unsaturated fatty acids): flax / linseed oil is the richest source of PUFA's. Other oils that contain PUFA's are safflower oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, maize oil, sesame oil, rich bran oil, ground nut oil, mustard oil and olive oil. As all oils are high in fats, its consumption should be limited. The intake of oils should not exceed 20gms a day.
  • Consume whole grain cereals, whole pulses, fresh fruits and vegetables – as they are high in fiber.
  • Avoid coffee and caffeinated drinks.
  • Walk every day briskly for at least 30 minutes.
  • Meditation & yoga will help to reduce and tackle stress.
 Article written by,

Happy Livin Nutritionist :Dr.Varsha Joshi

Call us on : +91 9819155780
Email us :

Note:* Consult a qualified Nutritionist or a physician before you make any dietary changes. It is always advices to follow a diet under the guidance of a qualified nutritionist.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dr.Joshi - 5 Tips to get over a Failure

We all go through ups and downs in life sometimes its personal loss, sometimes business loss or other human emotions. The challenge is how you look at life and get over the failure. Easier said then done I would give some quick 5 tips that can be useful.

Dr.Joshi’s Tip- 1
Listen to the music which soothes you. It can be Classical, Rock, Metal, Grunge anything that you can connect with. It has been seen that classical music especially Santoor has a great soothing effect. So get over it and listen to your favorite music albums.

Dr.Joshi’s Tip 2
Correct your diet, it’s the first thing that goes for a toss we tend to overeat due to psychological hunger or we starve ourselves over the thoughts of failure. Choose the right food fresh fruits, berries; salads can do a world of difference. Beat the blues with the right diet and nutrition.

Dr.Joshi’s Tip 3
Exercise!!! It helps you relax at both the mental and physical level consult your doctor for the right exercise. Yoga and meditation can heal you and keep you in good mental and physical frame. Understand the meaning of life. Yoga is a process where you understand the meaning of life and living.

Dr.Joshi’s Tip 4
Stop the blame game and stop feeling guilty. Success and failures are a part of life. Without failures success will have no meaning. Talk to your friends, family and people who can understand. If not get help of a qualified counselor who can be of immense help.

Dr.Joshi’s Tip 5
Prioritize!!! What you want to do in life, have a plan write it down think over it and decide where you want to be. Do things that you really want to do, don’t do things just for the sake of doing them. If you have faith in your dreams and ideas get them on paper make a report and work on it. This can help you in actually noting down why we fail and why 1 mistake in a project report can snowball into a 100 mistakes and ruin the business. Likewise in relations understand the relation and see what went wrong and work on it.

Life is an interesting journey, take pleasure in livin it and understand the true meaning of human life!!!

Please note: Tips are not a replacement of medical treatment consult your healthcare provider to discuss.

Written by :
Dr.Santosh R.Joshi
Classical Homeopath & Entrepreneur