Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Case of frozen shoulder with wasting of the deltoid muscle

This patient came to me at 11pm at night to my residence with severe jerking pain in the left shoulder with radiation to the arm. He said there is also numbness and heaviness in the hand.

Aggravated by
After exertion+2

Ameliorated by
Bending backwards+3
Hot fomentation+2

He has been suffering from the above complaints since the past 1 year and he has already taken 3 steroid injections with little relief. The orthopedic has advised him to undergo surgery but the patient cannot afford the cost of surgery.

There was also wasting of the deltoid muscle and the arm. He also experienced weakness in the left arm. This patient by profession is a Banjo player (Drums) so it was a very desperate situation for him to get alright because he was unable to play the drums.

The patient is a dropout from the school and has not bothered to do anything in his life now he is 37 years old but still doesn’t have a steady income. He felt very bad when people asked him what he has done in his life. You have wasted all these years. So now he wants to prove himself and do something in life.

He weeps when he is alone, sometimes also weeps in front of others. Earlier he never used to express himself after his marriage he has started expressing himself.

He becomes very angry and afterwards feels guilty for the same. He controls himself and will try and not to do the same thing again. If someone tries to console him he doesn’t like it at all.

The patient has also attempted to commit suicide by jumping in a well.

The patient is a chronic smoker and alcoholic as far as the exposure is concerned he didn’t divulge the details.

He likes music a lot which also ameliorates his complaints.

This was a brief mental picture that I took as the patient had to go home and his little daughter who accompanied him was very restless and wanted to go home.

Personal history
Diet: Non vegetarian

Appetite; good

Aversion: Sweets

Cravings: Fish +3, Mutton+2, Curds, Cold drinks


Sun: Blurred vision in sunlight
Fan: Likes
AC: Likes
Covering: doesn’t cover himself
Season: likes all the seasons
Bath: tepid

Urine: N

Stools: N

Sleep and dreams: Sleeplessness

Past historyPeptic ulcer Hemetemesis was operated as he developed peritonitis
Epilepsy took antiepileptic drugs for 7years.

On Examination
Blood pressure: 100/70 mm of Hg
There was weakness of the left arm as compared to the right.
Cracking of the joints
Tenderness of the left shoulder.
Restricted movement.
Treatment 20/8/2004


Dioscorea villosa 30
2pills 4 hourly
Stop when better

Sac.Lac (Placebo)
3powders to be taken for 3 nights

The pain had almost gone. The patient had taken a few doses then stopped Dioscorea as advised. Slept well.

The patient was put on placebo.

No pain in the shoulder.
Sleep is good.
The weakness is better.

Continue the same treatment for 2 weeks

The patient said he has no complaints
His strength has come back and there is no pain and he wanted to discontinue the treatment. As I was confident that the medicine has done its job. I told him to report if any problem arises. He agreed and we stopped the treatment.

It’s been a year and no complaints have reoccurred he is now able to play his drums and perform well.

This was a very interesting case for me as the patient expressed the modality bending backwards ameliorate with such intensity that the Remedy just flashed in the mind Dioscorea.v.After refering to Herings guiding symptoms and analysing the case Dioscoria.v 30 was given.
Case treated by
Dr.Santosh Joshi
Homeopathic consultant

Email me on : for more details and consultation
Imp: Case presentation is for information purpose.Please do not self medicate .

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