Thursday, June 08, 2006

A case of chronic tonsillitis

The patient was brought to me for an opinion weather something could be done for the recurrent throat infections. The patient was advised to undergo tonsillectomy by the local doctor as she was not responding to the treatment. As her mother who was under our treatment for allergies was feeling much better she brought in her daughter.

The patient was an 11years old girl well dressed up and was a bright child. She got along very well with people. She mixes easily with everybody and loves to be in a company. But of late she doesn’t go and talk on her own.

She also has a habit of biting her nails. Her mother told us she was a very good child quiet and satisfied. She gets along very well with her brothers and sister. She is average in her studies and likes to study.

When we asked her if she had any fears? She told she is very much afraid of lightening and thunderstorms+3 since the beginning.

The patient has severe pain in the throat more on the left side which is aggravated by swallowing+2, and eating sour things. There is marked thirst for cold water.

Personal history

Diet Non vegetarian

Appetite: good

Craving: Mutton

Aversion: Sweets+3

Sun: ok doesn’t cause any problem
Fan: Likes
AC: Likes
Coverings: takes covers
Season: Likes Summers

Sleep and dreams
She has a sound sleep. Dreams doesn’t recollect

MilestonesEruption of first teeth: 9 months
Age of walking: 9 months
Ages of talking: 4 years speech was delayed.

On examinationThroat congested+3
Tonsils enlarged+5
Salivation +2,
Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck more on the left side
Eruptions on the face (Fungal)
Thin lean built.


The patient was given



1).Phosphorous 30 3 doses for 3 nights
2).S.L 2pills 4 hourly
For 7 days


Patient is feeling much better
No pain in the throat

Patient was put on placebo. For 2 weeks

No complaints patient is better on the whole. Height has increased. Swelling of the tonsils has reduced to a great extent. After this the patient was given 2 weeks medicines placebo; and was asked to report if problem arises. After this the patient didn’t come to me for almost 4 months. On 18th September her mother came to me as her other daughter who is pregnant came for a check up and she wanted to put her on homeopathy.

And while talking she said doctor do you remember my younger daughter and of course I used to wonder how this patient is doing? To my surprise she told after the medication she has not had a single episode in the last 4 months and her health is very good. I was very happy to know this and then I thought of presenting this case.

In this case the symptoms were so precise and characteristic that it was difficult to miss the remedy. So in cases of children it is very important to start a conversation with the kid. Then the symptoms that are expressed will make it easy to find the right remedy.

Case treated by
Dr.Santosh Joshi
Homeopathic consultant

Email me on : for more details and consultation

Imp: Please do not self medicate.Case presentation is only for information purpose

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